What is Active Imagination?
In simple terms, an active imagination is the process that helps to bridge the gap between the conscious and unconscious mind. Active imagination makes use of creative imagination as a tool to understand the workings of the subconscious and unconscious minds.
Tackling how your child behaves can be difficult. Children have an active imagination and it takes them down fantastic paths.
Every child has an incredible imagination. They live in worlds that adults can barely imagine, let alone comprehend. As parents, we can help develop this gift by allowing it to grow and also supporting it as best we can. As a parent you're looking for ways to encourage them and turn this into something positive. How do you support your child's active imagination?
Have you heard the phrase “life is stranger than fiction”? This holds true for children with active imaginations. They very easily get confused between what they imagine and reality.
Imagination is an integral part of every childhood.
<aside> 💡 Children imagine themselves being superheroes, of going on adventures, of stumbling upon a cloak of invisibility and what not.
All of this seems to be innocent child’s play, without being of any use. But that’s not the case.
While kids are busy imagining a world of their own, they are also creating endless possibilities of how things can be. This active imagination helps children develop their emotional and psychological capabilities, while also helping them understand the world that they are living in.
As a parent, I believe it is important to help your child develop their imagination without spoiling them. Their imagination enables them to build their own world with their mind and creativity.
Active Imagination is a child's natural, healthy and necessary way of exploring and seeking knowledge about the world. As adults we can support this process to help our children grow and develop a strong identity, which will take them through their lives as they explore boundaries, understand other people and learn how to express themselves with confidence.
Being imaginative helps children make sense of the world and problem solve, but it also allows them to escape from difficult situations like bullying. It is a coping mechanism that brings an element of play into tolerating these difficult situations. Give your child encouragement not put them down for their imagination, so they can integrate it into their lives as they grow older.
How to stimulate your child’s imagination?
As parents we can always help our children explore what’s going on within the child. So, to stimulate your child’s imagination, take time out to ask them open-ended questions. Kids love the attention parents give them in knowing what they are thinking. Encouraging Imaginary or Pretend Play is another way to help your child develop their active imagination. You will stimulate their minds by helping them invent multiple scenarios. Making up simple situations like “what do you think the elephant and the lion would be talking about?”
Story time discussions on its ending, its characters stimulate active imagination. Art activities like drawing, clay modelling, crafting can encourage to draw out the creative side of your child. Fun games especially in groups can aid your child to build on their socio-psychological skills.