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How Baby Fitted Cot Sheets Enhance Comfort and Safety

How Baby Fitted Cot Sheets Enhance Comfort and Safety

By Anu Bhatia

Now, let's talk about the significance of small cot sheets. These sheets are crafted to perfectly fit your baby's...

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Exploring the Benefits of Montessori Toys for Toddlers

Exploring the Benefits of Montessori Toys for Toddlers

By Anu Bhatia

Toddlers' brains are like sponges, absorbing information and making connections at a pace we can’t imagine. The process of...

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The Importance of Wooden Educational Toys in Preschool Development

The Importance of Wooden Educational Toys in Preschool Development

By Anu Bhatia

Unlike the overstimulation from flashy plastic toys, wooden educational toys encourage focused, imaginative play, promoting a sense of tranquility....

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Flashcards are a productive way to learn new information and actively test yourself

Why Every Kid Needs to Play With Flash Cards

By Anu Bhatia

Did you know that playing with Flash Cards is an absolute gang-buster, super-charged, EPIC thing to do?⁠  Flash Cards...

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Cot bumpers are padded pieces covered with cloth placed right about the mattress

Choosing The Best Baby Cot Bumper

By Anu Bhatia

Cot bumpers from Sadora Baby with their creative designs, baby-soft organic fabrics and prints are winning the hearts of most Indian...

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Pretend Play encourages creativity

What is Pretend Play? And Why Is It Important

By Anu Bhatia

Have you ever watched children pick up a stone and pretend it is a zooming car,  as if it...

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Better attention to kids when parents make time for school visits.

Involvement of Parents in Schools

By Anu Bhatia

Parent-Teacher meetings can provide much-needed insight into your child's learning style, growth opportunities, social and interaction styles.

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Weaning babies from night-time feeds

Signs Your Baby is Ready For Night Weaning

By Anu Bhatia

In our experience, babies fed on formula milk do tend to night-wean sooner than breastfed babies. Breast milk is...

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Montessori classrooms are multi-age, usually with about three grades in each classroom

The Montessori Way Of Learning

By Anu Bhatia

Children are taught to pick up their activity area when they finish a project and participate in daily classroom...

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